Dream-log Catchup

I have been slacking. Here are some excerpts from what I remember of my many recent dreams:

Lots of dogs: for reasons I don’t quite understand they are a bit of a  reoccurring thing for me. Most vividly I was being attacked by wolves BUT they were extremely intelligent wolves that had decided to destroy the human race as we are generally not being very nice.

Surgery: Being diabetic, it is not unusual for me to dream about needles and medical things. In this particular dream, a woman I know told me she was going to get an arm transplant! I said  that her arm looked fine and asked why she would risk a transplant? She just shrugged and told me that the doctors had told her it was “necessairy”.

Last night, I dreamed that I ran into an old friend: an ” Ashley” that I was “best friends” with in elementary school but lost touch with years ago. She seemed to be doing well, and was telling me about how to write computer programs, but as the conversation went on she got more and more frantic, giving off a kind of crazy energy.

I woke up feeling nostalgic.


Elevator Freak Out

Elevator of Death

Last night I had a dream that I was at a University and that I had to run to catch the elevator, you know when you have to shove your arm in the closing door to reopen, and when the doors of the elevator opened my friend Spyder and Tina were in the elevator with some students they were teaching. (although they both teach in real life they don’t know each other or live in the same city) I get into the slightly cramped elevator because I’m only going to the 5th floor. The elevators starts going up, and chatting with Tina and Spy about their class when I notice that I’ve been on the elevator a long time for 5 floors.  Now we’re on the eleventh floor which is where Spy and Tina, and their students have to get off, the elevator still doesn’t stop. I push a button that I think will make it go back down, but the elevator just starts going nuts. Going up and down really quickly. I start freaking out because I’m stuck in an enclosed space and am convinced that I’m going to die. I forcefully push a couple of the drop tiles out of the ceiling of the elevator and there is a bit of a draft, I feel a little better but am still freaking out.

All of a sudden the elevator plunges all the way down, right before it hits the ground I wake up.


Pillow Remnants


A scatter-shot, poorly edited progression of bizarre, mind-generated ‘clips’:

1)Walking past four couples who were enjoying a sexual bacchanal in the hot sun. I tried not to stare, but couldn’t resist another furtive peek.

2)Entering the home of my former brother-in-law and seeing that he had taken out all the interior supporting walls of the structure. At my feet, stampeding silverfish and isopods, thousands of them. I was worried about his building, but it didn’t seem like such an unusual scene. He always seems to be renovating.

3) Walking along the top of a ramshackle wooden fence peering into whatever backyards I could see.

4) making bouquets out of plastic philodendron leaves. Why?

trains are big…

Strange that my dreams would involve trains. I have no idea why this is but the last dream I remember having this week was all to do with my brother. He has been in two of my dreams this week which is odd. Anyway, he was seeing me off on the train from a northern, hard to where place, it was snowy. And I was with my husband and for some reason my husband got on the train and I didn’t and then it pulled away from the station and I had missed it and got separated from my husband. My brother was with me and explained the train schedule which was incredibly complicated and then hugged me and said he loved me. Which was quite lovely but I still had no idea how to get home.

A Paucity of Memorable Dreams

Can’t say why, but my brain isn’t generating the variety or number of noteworthy dreams that I had become accustomed to with my friendly, horned pillow: The pillow that inspires me and spooks the cat.

In the past week, the only night visions projected onto my ‘inner screen’, that resonate, were:

1) Artists installing fragile, site-determined artworks in a busy mall. The constructions were floor-level arrays of wire with buttons, washers and beads threaded onto them. Either pointing up and out at an angle or joining the mezzanine to the wall, diagonally, these carefully crafted, ornate “whiskers’ protruded into the common, pedestrian traffic areas of the shopping centre, posing tripping hazards or providing opportunities for ‘poking’ the public.

It’s all fun and games for these artists until someone loses an eye!

2)  A close-up of a sea urchin, with not many spines, that had unique shape-shifting abilities….in some ways physically resembling my pillow.

I recall the ‘urchin’ morphing into a small, ridiculous looking ‘My Little Pony’-type blue horse that smiled when tickled on the muzzle. This seemed perfectly normal to me. It also became something that looked like an egg or a cell, or an amoeba.

Morphing Urchin

Egg-like Amoeba

Gallery Break In

I was in what looked to be a large industrial kitchen with a man, he said he worked there. We were walking through a hallway, trying not to be seen. The floor was like a ramp; we walked down it towards a door that opened kind of like a garage door. The man pushed a button on the wall and it opened, I felt very nervous. Through the door was another door, it had a swipe pass, I had the pass because I worked at the gallery, but I wasn’t supposed to be there so late at night. Almost as soon as we got into the building we heard someone coming… I bolted through a series of back stairways, they were made of concrete, and finally emerged outside in the loading dock. There was a man there, he saw me, but I was outside now, there was no proof. I have no idea what happened to the other man.

I casually walked away.


I don’t believe I can think of an appropriate title for this one

Two unknown friends and myself were driving to a friends house somewhere out in the countryside. We were on a dirt road in an old hotted up Torana (the red neck hoon car of choice where I lived when I was a kid) driving quite fast and sliding all the corners.

We traveled in silence and the mood was rather serious. We pulled up at a dense clump of bushes. In order to reach out destination we had to crawl through a thicket of lantana. This was time consuming, difficult and painful, especially since I was in the lead. We managed to reach the other side of the ticket not long before nightfall and proceeded up to a house. Max rockatansky (Mel Gibson from mad max one (I guess this is paired with the Torana since I am not a really a petrol head)) was waiting there for us and was apparently our friend. He pointed to a couch on the porch with a book shelf next to it with a real machinegun and 2 toy rifles on it and told us to get the black things that come at night. He went inside and we sat in the thin glow provided by the house lights. After what seemed like a long interlude dwarf sized cartoonish black figures came out of the woods and lumbered towards the house. My companions with the machine gun started to shoot at these creatures causing them to halt their progress and stand still. The person with the gun continued to fire but the creatures would not be destroyed or damaged. I noticed one that was moving and hiding behind trees occasionally looking out at us quite frightened. From here my view changed and it was like I was playing some arcade type shooting game. I had a metal rifle and I took a few shots at it but could not hit it. I swapped with my companion for their pink toy rifle and this seemed to have some effect on the creatures. After sometime we gave up on the creatures and decided to go inside to see what Max/Mel was up to. We found him asleep in a huge bed next to a stunning woman. He asked us how we went with the creatures and we were unsure of how to answer. We asked him what they were and he offered us some explanation as to what they were, what they wanted and why we couldn’t let them near the house that I unfortunately can’t remember, but it seemed convincing at the time. He then explained to us the design of the house which we had failed to notice until now. He said it was also made out of cartoon. He said it was a modified design from a studio Ghibli set. He showed us a brief documentary about how the design was conceived. It had many giant robot faces incorporated into the design that slid and rotated to make the connectedness of the house different depending on the time of day. At this point we realized that none of us had looked at the house in much detail so we left Mel to sleep and went outside to look at the house. It was day once more at this point. When we went outside we were instantly distracted by this amazingly cute and beautiful massive dragonfly on the ground. It was about half a meter long with a furry body and it’s abdomen colored was decorated with many multicolored bands. One of its wings was damaged so we carried it inside so that Mel could fix it. When we again woke Mel from his slumber he was furious at us for bringing the bug inside the house. He said it was the day form of one of the many creatures from the previous night and despite its beauty was quite dangerous. He yelled for a considerable time and we were quite upset and not entirely convinced that he was right.

Unfortunately I cannot recall what happened past this point in the dream. All I can say is that I awoke feeling rather unsettled.

Vampires, Nukes, and Hockey, Oh My!

January 19th

I dreamt that I was at the World Cup of ice hockey, I think it’s the International Ice Hockey Federation’s World Championship? I was there as a spectator, but they let us on the ice in between games and I wore my skates just for the occasion. I should add that I don’t own skates in real life but I’ve been meaning to find some used ones lately. There was a team from a make believe island somewhere near Ireland and they did a little Riverdance routine on ice as a joke. I wish hockey players were normally that silly.

I’d like to see a goalie start ice dancing.

I was hanging out with some friends that I don’t recognize from real life. Someone got a phone call from the President, like a service announcement, that said that the world was about to end in ten minutes. We turned on the TV and didn’t see anything about it but then there was a story about potential nuclear warfare with another country. We were about to fire the first missile and of course they would retaliate. I thought about what I would do with my last ten minutes on Earth and decided to try calling my mother. My stupid iphone wasn’t working and she had all of these outdated and unrecognizable phone numbers listed in my contacts. I woke up to see her photo on my dresser and immediately reminded myself that I couldn’t call her anymore.

January 18th

My mother was a vampire. She was seduced and bitten while we were on vacation in the mountains. Her new vampire boyfriend was really nice to me and the three of us ran away together because they had to stay on the move so they wouldn’t get caught (they ate people like normal vampires, none of this blood bank, animal hunting, True Blood, Twighlight stuff). We were sitting around a campfire and I was thanking them for not biting me so far, I really appreciated being allowed to remain human. Then my mom took my hand and bit my finger and I started to transform. “What did you do that for?!” I woke up. It’s interesting that my deceased mother was represented as a vampire because vampires are “undead” and I’m clearly having trouble accepting her death in my dreams. But what does it mean that she bit me? Am I afraid of joining her too soon?

Vampires are the “undead”.

January 17th

I was a dog. For some reason we had to flee our house and we were on the run. The evil dog-hating neighbor was after us. At first he tried to poison us with weed killer. I was some kind of a hound, there was a beagle and a little black terrier. We were a family. Our owners were crying because they were missing us and they wanted to find us. We wanted to go back home, but we had to get away from the neighbor who was trying to hurt us. He chased us through a house and out onto the street where we headed for the city.

I looked like this, just like my sister’s dog.


in the beginning there was flannel…

apologies for the slow blogging start..very slow indeed…

so, here it is from beginning to now…

my pillowcase is of the softest creamy color flannel with a beautiful crochet lace border. i saved it for a few days before slipping it onto my pillow because things in my life were erratic and crazy. i had been having very very vivid active dreams for weeks and was curious to see what would happen when my head hit the flannel.

it was the immediate sensation that my head was in the silence of the first snow fall that happens late at night. quiet, calm, muffled, enveloped in the softness of no sound. the kind of feeling that takes your breath away when you awake to find outside is blanketed in the most amazing quiet, that no matter how old you get it just gets you every time. you know the one i’m talking about?

so i was surprised that for days no dreams came to visit. it was as though the quiet of this flannel seeped into my brain and lay down a soft blanket of muffled cushioning that soaked up all my dreams to leave behind complete silence. on the fifth day i had a dream..and it was anything but quiet….

my brother and i are in the midst of a chase, of the indiana jones variety. we are in a van that someone who is on our side is driving while we sit in the back looking out the windows at the car that is chasing us. we are being jostled around all over the place and i realise i have my arm over my brother to protect him. when i look down i see that he is about seven years old (he is 29 in real life) but i am me now (33). i remember feeling and thinking that he is so sweet and cute. we have a genius idea that if we kick the windows out then when the car chasing us bashes them in we won’t get hurt. so we set to kicking as hard as we can at all the windows, but we are in a very strange sort of van, one with huge heavy windows slightly tinted. we kick and kick and we laugh while we are doing it, our driver yells back at us that we are crazy. finally when we kick them out things move in slow motion and a thousand beautiful tiny shards of glass burst out everywhere around us. i instinctively put my arm over my brother to protect him and see that my arm is a huge wing that has unfolded over him.

we finally reach our destination which is a very old dilapidated building. we run inside and without communicating to one another what or where it is we are going we both know what we are searching out. we end up in front of a door and knock, i try the door and it is open, we walk in to find the lights are dim and soft, it is warm inside and smells of incense and there standing by the couch is my friend zac. but zac who is a tall lanky 19 year old white kid is dressed like he is jimi hendrix with way too many scarves on and a huge floppy hat. we hug and sit down on the couch, i tuck my brother in under what seems like a couple dozen duvets and blankets and he falls asleep as zac and i talk quietly over him…

i woke up with a dull ache in the center of my chest, missing my brother who now feels so far away from me.

Tornados, Wolves, and High Heels…..

There was a great deal of travel last night in my sleep.  Travel by foot.

Myself and the entourage I went with were setting up camp near some old railroad tracks, and some forrest.  It felt exactly like my home town.  As we prepared to sleep a storm began to move in, the howl of a tornado was present, as was the green sky.  More frightening however was how I felt my body being pre-charged by lighting. (a sensation I have experienced in real life- only once but unforgettable)  Hair raising, skin tingling, we needed to get out of the rain and away from the large metal rails near our camp.

Snap to a dream side scene, where I am talking with a boardroom of commanders explaining how I can only help six of the ten people in my group to safety from the lightning strike.  Reason being that two of them were wearing high heels so they couldn’t run fast enough, and two of them refused to listen to me.

Flash back into the storm scene of the dream.

I tell people to run away from the tracks and into the woods and get low as possible, preferably not in any puddles.

I do so, six people follow, the girls in the heels bend and twist their ankles as they sink into the mud puddles.  Two more people say it is crazy to head into the woods during a storm.  I crunch down in some moss.

Lightning hits, the storm moves on, still in earshot and I look up to see that wolves have come to hide in with us.

We stare at the wolves, and they stare at us.  We are having a conversation about where to go from this moment on.  We agree on something, and I am able to wake up.

This is my sleeping companion, the pillow- highly effective.
